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Track & Protect with our SOS-HELPER

Protect those you love 24/7 monitoring and alerts



GREEK VIDEO1 Ποιος χρησιμοποιεί το SOS HELPER;

Έχετε παιδιά και θέλετε να ξέρετε που βρίσκονται;
Υπάρχουν άτομα τρίτης ηλικίας στην οικογένειά σας που χρειάζονται κάποια ειδική φροντίδα; 
Αν εργάζεστε σε περιβάλλον υψηλού κινδύνου δεν θα νιώθατε παραπάνω ασφάλεια με μία συσκευή που μπορεί σε περίπτωση έκτακτης ανάγκης να κάνει αυτόματες κλήσεις για να ειδοποιήσει άτομα δικά σας χωρίς καθυστέρηση; 

Οι συσκευές μας προσφέρουν αυτό πατώντας ένα κουμπί η σε περίπτωση που είσαι αναίσθητος η συσκευή είναι αρκετά έξυπνη και ξεκινά αυτόματες κλήσης.  

Οι συσκευές που προσφέρουμε σας βοηθούν να παραμείνετε σε επαφή με τους αγαπημένους σας μειώνοντας την κοινωνική απομόνωση και τη σωματική και πνευματική εξασθένηση στους ηλικιωμένους.  

Οι ηλικιωμένοι κάποτε μπορούν να παραβλέψουν τα μέτρα ασφαλείας στο σπίτι που μπορεί να τους οδηγήσει σε ατύχημα από μία απροσεξία και να θέσει τη ζωή τους σε κίνδυνο. 

Οι πτώσεις είναι και κύρια αιτία τραυματισμών μεταξύ ηλικιωμένων οπότε οι συσκευές μας είναι απαραίτητα εργαλεία να μειώσουμε τον κίνδυνο και να λάβουν έγκαιρα βοήθεια την ώρα που χρειάζεται χρησιμοποιώντας αξιόπιστη τεχνολογία  

Σε διαφορετικό σενάριο η συσκευή μπορεί να βοηθήσει άτομα που πάσχουν από Αλτσχάιμερ που έχουν συμπτώματα που περιλαμβάνουν απώλεια μνήμης και μείωση των δεξιοτήτων γλώσσας και σκέψης με αποτέλεσμα να οδηγήσει σε άτομα να χαθούν και να μην ξέρουν πώς να επιστρέψουν σπίτι. Σε τέτοιες καταστάσεις ο γρήγορος εντοπισμός αυτών των ανθρώπων μπορεί να σώσει τη ζωή τους. 

Για αυτό και άλλους λόγους οι γιατροί προτείνουν την τοποθέτηση ειδικές συσκευές εντοπισμού και επικοινωνίας για να εξασφαλίστε τη ζωή των αγαπημένων σας. Καλέστε μας για πληροφορίες. 


Do you have children and want to know where they are ? Are there elderly people in your family who need special care ? If you work alone under high risk dangerous environments wouldn't you feel more secure with a device that can in case of an emergency make automatic calls to alert your chosen contacts to provide you assistance right away ? 

Our devices offer precisely this. By pressing a button, or in case you are unconscious, the device is smart enough and starts calling and sending messages automatically. 

Due to a recent accident or having a physical disability your loved ones may need extra special care to prevent becoming more prone to other injuries. The devices we offer help you stay in touch with your loved ones by reducing their feelings of social isolation and giving you peace of mind as to their condition and if they are indeed okay when you are not around.  

In other situations your loved ones may be sufferingor have a medical condition such as Parkinsons or Diabetes causing them to otherwise be unable to help themselves in times of distress because of the state they are in. A diabetic could have entered a low sugar condition and ma have fainted. Someone with Parkinsons can be unable to easily phone for help due to the condition of their hands being in a spasm or cramped condition commonly caused by medications that have side effects such as hallucinations causing patients to be confused and fall rendering them at that time unable to call for help. 

Elderly people can be careless and overlook in some cases safety measures at home that can lead to them having an accident fall by tripping over or just by a loss of balance. Such falls are very common amongst seniors and is a leading cause of injury seen in hospital emergency rooms. Our devices are essential tools to reduce the risk of them being unattended in cases of injury by getting timely help as soon as possible.   

Dementia and Alzheimer's sufferers who have symptoms that include memory loss and a decline in language and thinking skills may get confused and lost when leaving home so locating them quickly in such situations is vital for their safety and well being. 

For this and other reasons doctors, physiotherapists and psychiatrists recommend using specialized communication & gps location devices such as ours to ensure the safety of your loved ones.  

Call us for more information

Subscription Plans


0 / month
  • per GPS tracker device

  • ✔ Web URL with google map link, last location & street address
  • Max 2 real GPS Devices Per Account
  • ✔ 1 x Free Mobile Tracker App License per account 
  • ✖ Free tracker
    ( purchase our tracker) 
  • ✖ SIM + GSM Subscription
    ( included in price )
  • 2 days trip history storage
  • ✖ Geofence/Speed Email Alerts
  • ✔  Start/Stop Idle Reports
  • ✔ Trip History Backups
  • ✔ Group/Fleet Tracking
  • ✖ Sharing Live/History
  • ✔ Email & Phone Support


13 / month 
  • per GPS tracker device
    ( yearly  15% discount )
  • ✔ Web URL with google map link, last location & street address
  • Max 5 real GPS Devices Per Account
  • ✔ 1 x Free Mobile Tracker App License per account 
  • ✖ Free tracker
    ( purchase our tracker)
  • ✔ SIM + GSM Subscription
    ( included in price )
  • 1 month trip history storage
  • ✔ Geofence/Speed Email Alerts
  • ✔ Start/Stop Idle Reports
  • ✔ Trip History Backups
  • ✔ Group/Fleet Tracking
  • ✖ Sharing Live/History
  • ✔ Email & Phone Support


16 / month
  • per GPS tracker device
    ( yearly 15% discount )
  • ✔ Web URL with google map link, last location & street address
  • Unlimited real GPS Devices Per Account
  • ✔ 1 x Free Mobile Tracker App License per account 
  • ✖ Free tracker 
    ( purchase our tracker)
  • ✔ SIM + GSM Subscription
    ( included in price )
  • 1 year ( variable ✔)  trip history storage
  • ✔ Geofence/Speed Email Alerts
  • ✔ Start/Stop Idle Reports
  • ✔ Trip History Backups
  • ✔ Group/Fleet Tracking
  • ✔ Sharing Live/History
  • ✔ Email & Phone Support

Rental Quick Start

25 / month
  • per GPS tracker device
    ( yearly 15% discount )
  • ✔ Web URL with google map link, last location & street address
  • Unlimited real GPS Devices Per Account
  • ✔ 1 x Free Mobile Tracker App License per account 
  • ✔ Free tracker
     on loan during rental)
  • ✔  SIM + GSM Subscription
    ( included in price )
  • Rental period trip history storage
  • ✔ Geofence/Speed Email Alerts
  • ✔ Start/Stop Idle Reports
  • ✔ Trip History Backups
  • ✔ Group/Fleet Tracking
  • ✔ Sharing Live/History
  • ✔ Email & Phone Support

Locations, Perimeters and Geofences 

Set up shapes of areas circles, squares or polygons of any size and get notified when a vehicle/person enters or leaves this "zone/ fence" boundary. 


Live Tracking  or Vehicle History

By looking either in real time (auto tracker) or browsing trip history you see on the map visually, the routes travelled and get insight into work efficiency of your vehicles.


Text: Fleet Location Overview - Web URL

A simple summary by vehicle ID/name as well as the last location (with google map link) and a viewable address is displayed in this simple table layout for quick reference.


Map: Fleet Location Overview - Google

Choose to see a group map of all or a selected group of your vehicles and where they are using enterprise google maps.


Automated Email Alerts

Emails can be customized and sent individually automatically  when some condition is breached. ie. overspeeding,
crossing of boundaries or certain locations. Each tracker can be set up for differently as well for its own areas of interest.


Reports: Odometer,  Stop Times etc...

Data like odometer KM, engine hours, start/stop, idle times, and speeding,  help you with driver behaviour and vehicle maintenance every 5000 KM for example. Being regulatory compliant & transparent is also important. These reports can be viewed online or downloaded for offline viewing and manipulation in Excel.

Start tracking today it's easy


Buy a tracker from us or use an existing one you have.

If you will not use your mobile as a tracker then you can buy GPS tracker. These devices vary in price  from €50 - €750 each depending on the type of tracker. It could be for a pet, a loved one, an asset (container etc..), a motorbike, a vehicle. We can give you options to pick from so speak to us about this.


Choose a plan
 (Basic, Professional, Rental)

This monthly fee covers the cloud services we offer seen above, up keep of our servers, the support we give you as well while you are with us.


Delivery & Installation

We can ship the tracker to you for a D.I.Y installation or call us to arrange for one of our electricians to install. There is an additional installation cost so speak to us about this.

Contact us

Postal Address:

3 Agias Aikaterinis, Ground Floor 001, Strovolos Nicosia Cyprus


+357 99 00 80 26


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© Copyright 2022 Company Name: All In One Online Services Ltd, VAT Reg: 10172509B, TIC No: 12172509D based in Nicosia Cyprus.